I was thinking about the mentality a speaker. When a person speaks,that mode of communication is inefficient unless there is some listening.
What are the types of listners?
The speaker himself is a listner.
There could be another single person.
There could be a group of limited number.
There could be a crowd.
For a broadcast the speaker have to be conscious about the vast listeners.

Now from the perspective of a speaker,it's impossible to invoke a single style and satisfy every categories. They will have to adapt the changes and survive the alterations.

Right now,my considerations are towards the first two. To oneself and To a single person.

When we speak to ourselves,we don't need to worry about the precautions and methodology,as we will be satisfied with whatever we come up with;as it is ourself who is making it up. However we might sometimes need a self evaluating and convincing methods to convey something into ourselves. If a person is thinking about an incident in the past ,which had gone wrong and could have made better,we convince ourselves in the possible way or will accept the reality and adapt accordingly. If we were reading something,we will have to see it first through the eyes of the writer and then later translate them to the way we understands and we can remember; atleast enjoy for that moment. But the most satisfactory thing in this talking to self is that we can analyse and reboot ourselves which will make us more internally powerful. Refreshing and rebooting are the perfect way to warm up the neurons and keep up a healthy mentality.

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