I have never been so cheerful at many aspects in my life,but never felt alive. And that happened today,as of now. I have never felt so alive and happy for what i am going to do next.

I had the habit of reading books,especially the novels and sort of,classic and fiction type. I lost it somewhere after my school. Along with that i lost interest in many other things,which i usually does and was happy. I haven't been happy since; literally. I passed through many phases of life,obviously my youth-hood,which i believed was a greater lesson for life,which of course was really something crazy. I realized that life isn't about something happening to us,it is somewhat we make for ourselves.

I know i am not a good person in the sense of human morality,but i had my own concerns and selfishness,which i still have. However,something struck me in my mind,sensible to be happy and dopamine is really rushing over me.

I has the chance to clear up something and i am on the process of it. Meanwhile,it's the time for making myself for what i want to be and how i wished it was.

As a part of it,i have really planned to start my reading again. Old habits are back and New ones are gone. I wish i had something,which at this time i haven't,but the door is open. Hopefully waiting for some happiest moment in future.

Though,no one is going to read this,i hope at least one person would. I wish,i had some suggestions for my reading.

I wish,everything will go fine and happy.
Wish me luck.

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