30/08/2018 01:47:58: Shilpa GroupX: In Alice in quantum land  ..... Every electrons knew the name of Alice bt she  only met one electron. the all idea is coming from how the all electrons be identical
30/08/2018 01:50:19: Me: That's okay. But does this theory complies with the current definition? Other wide how do we just call it an 'electron'?
30/08/2018 01:51:06: Me: I was asking - "How do the one electron theory, solves the currently observed phenomenas"?
30/08/2018 01:52:29: Me: One electron, higher dimension, reality ... How do you combine these? And how is thus going to answer the fundamental form of existence of matter/particle/physicalStuff?

30/08/2018 01:57:26: Shilpa GroupX: Nihal I just heard about that  it is new kind of hypothesis  which explains how the all electrons become identical....but it is not theory of everything..
30/08/2018 01:59:12: Me: Its not new.
Wheeler have proposed it.
See this : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-electron_universe
30/08/2018 02:00:42: Shilpa GroupX: It is beautiful
30/08/2018 02:01:31: Me: Its saying like this : "electrons are the manifestation of a single bundle of electronic matter. Positrons are just the opposite-time-lined such electrons,travelling back to past"
30/08/2018 02:03:58: Me: Feynman have published a paper in it. See it here: https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.76.749
30/08/2018 02:04:29: Me: So, sad that, we still need to pay to read it,after al these years.

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