Godfrey Louis writes.....

Godfrey Louis

This paper is authored by more than 30 international authors including myself. This is a long review paper in which we review the evidences consistent with the idea that biology is cosmic in nature. The paper is titled "Cause of Cambrian Explosion - Terrestrial or Cosmic" and is published in the reputed Elsevier Journal – Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology.
The ideas of Cometary (cosmic) biology have been earlier propagated by the works of Hoyle and Wickramasinghe . The main idea discussed in the present paper is the cause of Cambrian Explosion. This event in the history of earth, which date back to about 500 million years ago, is marked by the sudden appearance of wide variety of animals with different body plans. This explosive appearance of animal variety is well evidenced by fossil records. Darwinian Theory of evolution fails to explain this sudden appearance of animal variety during a geologically short period of time.
In the 4500 million years history of earth, microscopic life forms appeared on earth as early as about 4000 million years ago but a variety of complex life forms like animals appeared only 500 million years ago. What triggered the explosive evolutionary process 500 million years ago? While random mutation and natural selection is a slow evolutionary process a fast evolution is possible if new genes are laterally introduced into an organisms DNA. Such a process is possible naturally through retroviruses. Retrovirus is an RNA virus and on entering a cell it performs a reverse process of creating a DNA sequence from its RNA sequence. This virus made new DNA sequence can get fixed into the DNA of the organism. Thus retrovirus can transport genes. Life on earth can get genetically connected to alien life if comets bring such viruses to earth from other alien worlds. Thus life on earth may not be an isolated event, its origin and evolution may be having a cosmic connection.
Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2018.03.004

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